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Why do you have a pendulum in your logo?

It’s because the pendulum is a great metaphor for equanimity and our practice.

The basic pendulum consists of three parts. At the top is the Frictionless Pivot, from which hangs The Rod that connects to the big weight or “Massive Bob” at the bottom that swings from one extreme to the other. The uninstructed worldling, as the Buddha called those not trained in the Dharma, hangs out at the Massive Bob end of things, swinging wildly with the vicissitudes of life. The Buddha, with his equanimity was the Frictionless Pivot. In the course of our practice, we will find ourselves moving between the two. It is through our practice that we develop the ability to move closer to the Frictionless Pivot, and farther away from the wildly swinging Massive Bob.

Buddha Close Up

Reverend George Beecher

"That which we frequently ponder,
becomes the inclination of the heart and mind."
~ The Buddha


Hi there. I'm Rev. George Beecher, a Buddhist teacher in Lawrenceville GA.


I was ordained as Khantu-Abatti (The Forbearing One) and empowered to teach as a Dharmacharya (Dharma Teacher) in the Theravada and Mahayana lineages by Venerable Pannavati Bhikkhuni and Venerable Pannadipa Bhikkhu.

Prior to ordaining I was certified as a Buddhist Meditation and Group Facilitator through the original Against The Stream Buddhist Meditation Society under the guidance of JoAnna Hardy and Vinny Ferraro.

I founded Two Hands Sangha in 2012 and still teach there today, and I serve as the official Buddhist Reverend at the invitation of the Virtual Reality social community “Together with TRIPP” in various virtual worlds across the Metaverse and in the TRIPP app.

People often ask what ‘Dharmacharya’ means. Venerable Pannavati explained it as: "A Dharmacharya is an exemplar – one who lives the Dharma (teachings of the Buddha); one who teaches the Dharma by example."


And it is my deepest wish to live up to that beautiful definition to the best of my ability​.

Tea with Mara Podcast!

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Recent Talk Posted! Log in with a free account to access all past sessions:

07-20-23 - TwT RNILT - The Butterfly Remains:
Dharma discussion inspired by Mike Love on facing our suffering - Talk followed by a brief meditation. (Offered for the Together with TRIPP community on 07/20/23 in VR Chat) Click to Donate or for the Calendar.

07-20-23 - TwT RNILT - The Butterfly RemainsRev. George Beecher (Keoki)
00:00 / 41:08

Places you can find me:

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Together with TRIPP
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Dharma Mentoring Sessions

Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

"And Daphne, becoming a Laurel, dares you to become the wind."

Rainer Maria Riilke

Latest TRIPP Blog Post:

Read my latest Guest Post on the TRIPP Blog

Three Ways To Connect!


For questions or comments, you can reach me using this form. Digital communication is the fastest way to connect with me, but physical address, phone, and email are available to community members. I look forward to connecting with you!

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All of my recorded events, talks, and meditations prior to 2024 are offered freely, but do require a free account to access! To access all the past recordings, you can:

  • Create a free account using the icon at the top middle of the page, or right below this.

  • Once logged into the site with your account, click that same icon and you should see "Sessions with Keoki" on the menu.

  • Click there to access the full library of past sessions!


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